VCLinux Library Documentation  3.13.0

VC nano3D-Z

+ Collaboration diagram for VC nano3D-Z:

Data Structures

struct  VCNano3dZResult
 Nano3D-Z Measurement Result. More...
struct  _VCNano3dZInit
 Nano3D-Z Parameters only configurable during Initialization. More...
struct  VCNano3dZVolatile
 Volatile Values of Nano3D-Z Description Struct. More...
struct  VCNano3dZExternal
 Externally delivered Values of Nano3D-Z Struct. More...
struct  VCNano3dZDesc
 Nano3D-Z Description. More...
struct  VCNano3dZCfg
 Nano3D-Z Settings. More...
struct  _VCNano3dZ
 Nano3D-Z Custom Struct. More...
 Laser Line Slice Selection Method. More...
enum  VCErrNano3dZ {
 Error Codes for VCNano3dZ struct. More...
I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM (VCCaptCfg *cpt)
 Calculates Nano3D-Z Result Pixel Data to World MM Data conveniently. More...
I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_ (F32 *xPX, F32 *yPX, F32 *xMM, F32 *yMM, I32 cnt, struct _VCNano3dZMappers *mappers)
 Calculates Nano3D-Z Result Pixel Data to World MM Data. More...
I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX_ (F32 *xMM, F32 *yMM, F32 *xPX, F32 *yPX, I32 cnt, struct _VCNano3dZMappers *mappers)
 Calculates Nano3D-Z World MM Data to Pixel Data. More...
#define VCNano3dZInit_Default   { CUSTOMID_NANO3DZ, 0, {'\0'} }
 Nano3D-Z Initialization Default Settings. More...
#define str_VCErrNano3dZ(e)
 Error Code String for VCNano3dZ struct. More...
#define vc_nano3dz_laser_switch(onIff1, pCamCfg)   vc_nano3dz_laser_switch_(onIff1, &((pCamCfg)->d.gpio))
 Convenience Laser On/Off Switch Function (Macro). More...
#define vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32( xPX, yPX, xMM, yMM, cnt, pSenCfg)   vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_( xPX, yPX, xMM, yMM, cnt,(pSenCfg)->c.nano3dz->cfg.d.e.mappers)
 Calculates Nano3D-Z Result Pixel Data to World MM Data (Macro). More...
#define vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX( xMM, yMM, xPX, yPX, cnt, pSenCfg)   vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX_( xMM, yMM, xPX, yPX, cnt,(pSenCfg)->c.nano3dz->cfg.d.e.mappers)
 Calculates Nano3D-Z World MM Data to Pixel Data (Macro). More...
#define VCSenCustomCalls_Nano3dZ
 Nano3D-Z Customizer Data for the Sensor Initialization. More...

Detailed Description

Everything listed here is designed for the VC nano3D-Z hardware.

Due to laser security there are certain limitations for the shutter time and the laser enable control: Laser safety overrules all other settings. Refer to the hardware manual of the camera if the laser is permanently off (laser warden) or brightness changes are encountered (duty cycle limitation).
The laser must be turned on before by, for example, using the convenience macro vc_nano3dz_laser_switch().

The acquired image will be processed by the FPGA the following way:

Estimating relevant laser pixels.

The selected laser pixels are scanned for each column to get the slice result:

@ref VCNano3dZSlice values.
The flip setting at the VCSenCfg struct has a different meaning to this type of camera: SENFLIP_VERT will not flip the image vertically. Instead, the application of SENFLIP_VERT to sen->flip starts the laser line search from bottom instead of from top, for example if NANO3DZSEL_NR is chosen at laserSelect it searches for the n-th line from bottom.

Inappropriate image content like glares may generate misleading data if bgSubKy at the VCNano3dZCfg is set to a value higher than 0.

Pseudo-shape by bgSubKy due to malicious glare.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ VCNano3dZResult

struct VCNano3dZResult

This structure keeps the result of the measurement done at laser slices. Although there may pass multiple lines through a slice, only the measurement of one line segment is provided. Which one to be selected is controlled by settings at the VCNano3dZCfg.

Figure showing @ref VCNano3dZSlice values.

The mapped coordinates, mmX and mmZ are available after successful application of the external function vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM(). On success the variable mmIff1 is set to 1 at struct VCNano3dZResult.

The output positions x, y, … are independent of the ROI settings, like sensors x0, y0, dx, dy, flip: They are the true sensor pixel coordinates.

Result data for a slice is undefined if no laser line is detected at it, hence it should always be checked if dy is not zero.

Due to the reduced information, activated subsampling or binning will lead to less precise measurement results.
I32 i;
VCNano3dZ *nano3dz = cpt[tgt].sen[sn].c.nano3dz; // abbreviation
VCNano3dZResult *result = &(nano3dz->result); // abbreviation
for(i= 0; i< result->sliceCnt; i++)
printf("Slice %4d: (x,y):(%4.0f,%7.2f) (mmX,mmZ):(%+8.3f,%+8.3f)<-Garbage\n", i,
result->x[i], result->y[i], result->mmX[i], result->mmZ[i]);
rc = vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM(&(cpt[tgtIdx]));
if(rc<0){ee=-11+100*rc; goto end;}
for(i= 0; i< result->sliceCnt; i++)
printf("Slice %4d: (x,y):(%4.0f,%7.2f) (mmX,mmZ):(%+8.3f,%+8.3f)<-OK\n", i,
result->x[i], result->y[i], result->mmX[i], result->mmZ[i]);

The example code above shows how to access the result data easily, and that the pixel-to-mm conversion result is only available after calling the function vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM(); unavailable data is identified by checking the value of the parameter dy.

Data Fields
U32 sliceCnt

Number of available Laser Line Slices.

I8 mmIff1

Slice mm coordinates mmX and mmZ are available if 1, set by the external function vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM().

F32 * mmX

Available if mmIff1 is 1: Laser Line Pixel coordinate x as World coodinate. sliceCnt Indices.

F32 * mmZ

Available if mmIff1 is 1: Laser Line Pixel coordinate y as World coodinate. sliceCnt Indices.

F32 * x

x Position of this Laser Line Slice. sliceCnt Indices.

F32 * y

Subpixel precise Centroid y Position of the Laser Line, unreliable if sat is 1. sliceCnt Indices.

I16 * y0

Minimum y Position at the Laser Line. sliceCnt Indices.

I16 * dy

y-Size of the Laser Line, 0 if no Laser Line is Detected. sliceCnt Indices.

I8 * sat

Saturation before application of vertical high pass filter if 1, y position is unreliable if 1 (Reducing shutter time may help). sliceCnt Indices.

I16 * vMax

Maximum peak amplitude of the Laser Line. sliceCnt Indices.

I32 * sv

Sum of all grey values of Laser Line (moment M0). sliceCnt Indices.

I32 * svy

Sum of all grey values Weighted by their y Position of Laser Line (moment M1). sliceCnt Indices.

I8 * nr

Laser Line Number from Top (negative: from Bottom) of this Slice, starting with ± 1, for numbers exceeding ± 7 the value is ± 7. sliceCnt Indices.

U32 maxSliceCnt

Maximum possible number of Laser Line Slices.

◆ _VCNano3dZInit

struct _VCNano3dZInit

This structure keeps nano3D-Z parameters which are only configurable during Initialization.

Usage example:

VCSenInit senInit = VCSenInit_Default;
VCNano3dZInit nano3dzInit = VCNano3dZInit_Default;
nano3dzInit.disableImgIff1 = 1;
senInit.cInit.nano3dz = &nano3dzInit;
rc = vc_cam_init(..., &senInit);
Data Fields
VCCustomId customId

must be CUSTOMID_NANO3DZ, do not change: Struct Type Identifier

I32 disableImgIff1

To fasten processing, set this to 1: No image is available then, only data at VCNano3dZResult.

char pathMapper[36]

Reserved to define individual mappings.

◆ VCNano3dZVolatile

struct VCNano3dZVolatile

This structure keeps volatile data changing for each recording.

Data Fields
U64 * pcog

Raw Data for VCNano3dZResult calculation

U64 * pcogInfo

Raw Data for VCNano3dZResult calculation

◆ VCNano3dZExternal

struct VCNano3dZExternal

This structure keeps externally delivered data.

Data Fields
struct _VCNano3dZMappers * mappers

Mapper data for PX<->MM conversion.

◆ VCNano3dZDesc

struct VCNano3dZDesc

This structure keeps descripting information. Never change anything in here, also not in substructures!

+ Collaboration diagram for VCNano3dZDesc:
Data Fields
VCNano3dZVolatile v

Raw data for VCNano3dZResult calculation

VCNano3dZExternal e

Description of Settings filled externally.

U32 cogMaxCnt

Information on volatile raw data.

◆ VCNano3dZCfg

struct VCNano3dZCfg

This structure keeps settings specifically for the Nano3D-Z. We will initialize it, but not change anything in it except for the VCNano3dZDesc struct.

Do not change parameters between calling vc_capt_request() and vc_capt_wait(), or result values, for example the values in y of the VCNano3dZResult will be wrong; the state of the corresponding VCSenVolatile struct is not SENSTATE_IDLE during that period.
+ Collaboration diagram for VCNano3dZCfg:
Data Fields
I32 despecleKx

Preprocess image by using a horizontal averaging over [1,3,5,7] pixels.

I32 despecleKy

Preprocess image by using a vertical averaging over [1,3,5,7] pixels.

I32 bgSubKy

0: no vertical high pass filter, [2..31]: Vertical high pass filter ([1]: black image).

I32 laserThr

Pixels with grey value greater than that value are interpreted as laser illuminated [0..255].

I32 laserDyMin

[0..63], laserDyMin + 1 = Minimum vertical thickness in pixel to be accepted as laser line segment.

I32 laserDyMax

Maximum vertical thickness [0..63] in pixel to be accepted as laser line segment.

VCNano3dZSelect laserSelect

Laser Line Selection Mode, activates use of different configuration parameters depending on its value.

I32 laserSelectNr

Used with approriate VCNano3dZSelect: Laser line number [1..7] from top; for from bottom: Set sen->flip to SENFLIP_VERT additionally.

I32 laserDyOpt

Used with approriate VCNano3dZSelect: Vertical thickness closest to this value [0..63] in pixel is chosen.

VCNano3dZDesc d

Descriptive, never change anything in here!

◆ _VCNano3dZ

struct _VCNano3dZ

A pointer to this structure is available over the Sensor struct's custom union VCSenCustom at sen[]. c->nano3dz.

+ Collaboration diagram for _VCNano3dZ:
Data Fields
VCCustomId customId

must be CUSTOMID_NANO3DZ, do not change: Struct Type Identifier

VCNano3dZCfg cfg

Configuration for the result

VCNano3dZResult result

Measurement result

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ VCNano3dZInit_Default

#define VCNano3dZInit_Default   { CUSTOMID_NANO3DZ, 0, {'\0'} }

The Nano3D-Z Configuration used if NULL is given as Initialisation Parameter.

◆ str_VCErrNano3dZ

#define str_VCErrNano3dZ (   e)
(ERR_NANO3DZ_NONE == (e))?("NONE ") \

This macro returns a String for the enum VCErrNano3dZ.

◆ vc_nano3dz_laser_switch

#define vc_nano3dz_laser_switch (   onIff1,
)    vc_nano3dz_laser_switch_(onIff1, &((pCamCfg)->d.gpio))

This macro can switch the laser on/off, i.e. sets the gpio Nr. 4 to 1 or 0 based on selection followed by a delay for laser power up.

However this macro does not turn on/off the trigger warden or laser warden, which can prevent the laser from glowing! Refer to the hardware manual.

vc_nano3dz_laser_switch() is a macro which calls vc_nano3dz_laser_switch_() where more information may be found.

◆ vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32

#define vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32 (   xPX,
)    vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_( xPX, yPX, xMM, yMM, cnt,(pSenCfg)->c.nano3dz->cfg.d.e.mappers)

This macro calculates Nano3D-Z result pixel data of the laser line to world MM data by transforming the array-like lists xPx and yPx to their output values at xMM and yMM.

vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32() is a macro which calls vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_() where more information can be found.

◆ vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX

#define vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX (   xMM,
)    vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX_( xMM, yMM, xPX, yPX, cnt,(pSenCfg)->c.nano3dz->cfg.d.e.mappers)

This macro calculates Nano3D-Z result world MM data of the laser line to pixel data by transforming the array-like lists xMM and yMM to their output values at xPx and yPx.

vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX() is a macro which calls vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX_() where more information can be found.

◆ VCSenCustomCalls_Nano3dZ

#define VCSenCustomCalls_Nano3dZ
{ \
&vc_nano3dz_cInit_alloc , \
&vc_nano3dz_cInit_free , \
&vc_nano3dz_cInit_copy , \
&vc_nano3dz_cInit_default, \
&vc_nano3dz_alloc , \
&vc_nano3dz_free , \
&vc_nano3dz_copy , \
&vc_nano3dz_default , \
&vc_nano3dz_init , \
&vc_nano3dz_deinit , \
&vc_nano3dz_prepare , \
&vc_nano3dz_finalize , \
&vc_nano3dz_verify , \

The Nano3D-Z Customizer Data for the Sensor Initialization.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ VCNano3dZSelect

This enum identifies the selection method for the laser line slices.




Select laser line with vertical thickness closest to laserDyOpt pixels.


Select the laserSelectNr th laser line from top.


Select the laser line containing the maximum grey value.

◆ VCErrNano3dZ

This enum contains error codes for a Nano 3D Z struct verification.


No Error detected.


Value of despecleKx is invalid.


Value of despecleKy is invalid.


Value of bgSubKy is invalid.


Value of laserThr is invalid.


Value of laserDyMin is invalid.


Value of laserDyMax is invalid.


Value of laserSelect is invalid.


Value of laserSelectNr is invalid.


Value of laserDyOpt is invalid.

Function Documentation

◆ vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM()

I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM ( VCCaptCfg cpt)

This function calculates Nano3D-Z result pixel data of the laser line to world MM data and sets the mmIff1 to 1. It is done for each sensor at the cpt struct.

  • sets cpt->sen[*].c.nano3dz->result.mmX[*]
  • sets cpt->sen[*].c.nano3dz->result.mmZ[*]
  • sets cpt->sen[*].c.nano3dz->result.mmIff1 = 1

The mapper is loaded at initialisation of the sensor, for example during the call of the function vc_cam_init(), and unloaded, if the sensor is completely deinitialized.

cptCall changes: cpt->sen[*].c.nano3dz->result
Return values
>0if some values could not be transformed,
0on success,
<0on error, especially ERR_MODEL if mapper is not available.

◆ vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_()

I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_ ( F32 xPX,
F32 yPX,
F32 xMM,
F32 yMM,
I32  cnt,
struct _VCNano3dZMappers *  mappers 

This function calculates Nano3D-Z result pixel data of the laser line to world MM data by transforming the array-like lists xPx and yPx to their output values at xMM and yMM.

The mapper information for the Nano3D-Z is stored at VCSenCfg ->c.nano3dz->cfg.d.e.mappers, you can use the macro vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32() for convenience instead of this function.

xPX,yPXList of values to be transformed.
xMM,zMMList of result values.
cntEntries at lists xPx, yPx, xMM and yMM.
mapperssee Text.
Return values
0on success,
<0on error.
See also
vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32(), vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM(), vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX().

◆ vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX_()

I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX_ ( F32 xMM,
F32 yMM,
F32 xPX,
F32 yPX,
I32  cnt,
struct _VCNano3dZMappers *  mappers 

This function calculates Nano3D-Z result world MM data of the laser line to pixel data by transforming the array-like lists xMM and yMM to their output values at xPx and yPx.

The mapper information for the Nano3D-Z is stored at VCSenCfg ->c.nano3dz->cfg.d.e.mappers, you can use the macro vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32() for convenience instead of this function.

xMM,zMMList of values to be transformed.
xPX,yPXList of result values.
cntEntries at lists xPx, yPx, xMM and yMM.
mapperssee Text.
Return values
>0if some values could not be transformed,
0on success,
<0on error.
See also
vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toPX(), vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM_F32F32(), vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM().
Nano3D-Z Measurement Result.
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:130
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:341
I32 vc_cam_init(VCCamCfg *camNew, VCCaptCfg *cptNew, VCCamInit *camInit, VCTrgInit *trgInit, VCSenInit *senInit)
Initializes a Standard Camera Setup.
Definition: vc_cam_generic.c:137
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:346
I32 vc_capt(VCCaptCfg *cpt)
Takes a Picture.
Definition: vc_capt_generic.c:1028
#define VCNano3dZInit_Default
Nano3D-Z Initialization Default Settings.
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:203
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:349
#define VCSenInit_Default
Sensor Initialization Default Settings.
Definition: vclinux.h:715
F32 * y
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:139
F32 * mmX
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:135
U32 sliceCnt
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:132
F32 * x
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:138
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:342
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:344
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:347
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:350
I16 * dy
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:141
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:345
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:343
F32 * mmZ
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:136
Definition: vcnano3dz.h:348
int I32
32 Bit 32\,Bit Signed.
Definition: vcrt_main_types.dox:44
I32 vc_nano3dz_external_mapper_toMM(VCCaptCfg *cpt)
Calculates Nano3D-Z Result Pixel Data to World MM Data conveniently.
Definition: vc_nano3d_z_mapper_generic.c:262