VCLib Documentation  6.12.2

Pointer Lists (SPtrList)

Pointer Lists (SPtrList)

Organize Sets of Pointers to the same Type of Data. More...

Data Structures

struct  SPtrList
 Pointer List Data Holder. More...


void PtrList_setReleasePointers (SPtrList *ptr_list, int release_pointers)
 Sets the release_pointers Flag of a List. More...
int PtrList_isNullList (const SPtrList *ptr_list)
 Checks for a NULL_LIST. More...
void * PtrList_getPtr (const SPtrList *ptr_list, int index)
 Returns Pointer from List With a given Index. More...
void * PtrList_getLastPtr (const SPtrList *ptr_list)
 Returns Last Pointer in List. More...
void * PtrList_getFirstPtr (const SPtrList *ptr_list)
 Returns First Pointer in List. More...
int PtrList_addPtr (SPtrList *ptr_list, void *ptr)
 Puts a New Pointer to List. More...
void PtrList_removePtr (SPtrList *ptr_list, int index)
 Removes a Pointer from List. More...
void PtrList_deleteItem (SPtrList *ptr_list, int index)
 Deletes a Pointer in List. More...
void PtrList_updateList (SPtrList *ptr_list)
 Eliminates all NULL Spaces in List. More...
void PtrList_clearList (SPtrList *ptr_list)
 Removes the Complete Pointer List. More...
void PtrList_copy (SPtrList *ptr_list_src, SPtrList *ptr_list_dst)
 Copies a Pointer List. More...
void PtrList_reverse (SPtrList *ptr_list)
 Reverses Order of Pointer List Elements. More...
void PtrList_sort (SPtrList *ptr_list, int offset)
 Sorts Pointer Lists. More...
void PtrList_shellsort (SPtrList *ptr_list, int offset)
 Sorts Pointer Lists using the Shell Sort Algorithm. More...
void PtrList_heapsort (SPtrList *ptr_list, int offset)
 Sorts Pointer Lists using the Heap Sort Algorithm. More...
void PtrList_print (SPtrList *pLst)
 Prints Contents of a Pointer List. More...
I32 PtrList_split (SPtrList *pLstToSplit, SPtrList *pLstMinor, SPtrList *pLstMajor, I32 i32MajorFirstIdx)
 Splits Up a Pointer List Into Two. More...
I32 PtrListPtr_move (SPtrList *pLstFrom, SPtrList *pLstTo, I32 i32Idx)
 Moves a Pointer from a List to Another. More...
void PtrList_shuffle (const SPtrList *ptr_list, I32 SwapCount)
 Shuffles Pointers at a List. More...


const SPtrList NULL_LIST

Detailed Description

The routines in this section handle a list of pointers (stored as an array of pointers) for various applications. Memory for the pointer list is allocated and released automatically. It is also possible to consider the pointers in the list as pointers to a memory block which should be released when the pointer is removed from the list or the list is erased as a whole.

A pointer list has the following Behaviour:

Usage is as follows:

  1. Every SPtrList must be first set to the NULL_LIST.
  2. Decide if memory pointed to by the pointers in the list should be kept or released when the pointer or the whole list is removed. Call PtrList_setReleasePointers() to set the appropriate mode.
  3. Do – for example – some of the following tasks:

Data Structure Documentation

◆ SPtrList

struct SPtrList

This structure manages pointer lists.

Data Fields
void ** data

List of Pointers.

int reserved

Only for Internal Use.

volatile int size

Count of Pointers stored in List.

int do_release_pointers

Deallocates Pointers Automatically If Set (See Text).

Function Documentation

◆ PtrList_setReleasePointers()

void PtrList_setReleasePointers ( SPtrList ptr_list,
int  release_pointers 

This function sets the release_pointers flag of a list. If the flag is set to 1, automatic deallocation of the memory being pointed to by the pointers in the list is performed whenever the pointers themselves are deleted or released.

ptr_listThe Pointer List.
release_pointersNew Value for the release_pointers Flag (0 or 1).

◆ PtrList_isNullList()

int PtrList_isNullList ( const SPtrList ptr_list)

This function checks if the list is empty.

ptr_listThe Pointer List.

◆ PtrList_getPtr()

void* PtrList_getPtr ( const SPtrList ptr_list,
int  index 

This function returns the pointer of a list specified by an index value.

ptr_listThe Pointer List.
indexIndex of the Pointer to be Returned.

◆ PtrList_getLastPtr()

void* PtrList_getLastPtr ( const SPtrList ptr_list)

This function returns the last pointer in the list.

ptr_listThe Pointer List.

◆ PtrList_getFirstPtr()

void* PtrList_getFirstPtr ( const SPtrList ptr_list)

This function returns the first pointer in the list.

ptr_listThe Pointer List.
Return values
firstPtrThe first Pointer, or NULL if List is empty.

◆ PtrList_addPtr()

int PtrList_addPtr ( SPtrList ptr_list,
void *  ptr 

This functions puts the new pointer (ptr) at the end of the list. If the list is empty or full, additional space is allocated with the function PtrList_realloc().

ptr_listThe Pointer List.
ptrThe Pointer to be Added as last list element.
Return values
-3if out of memory
0if successful

◆ PtrList_removePtr()

void PtrList_removePtr ( SPtrList ptr_list,
int  index 

This functions removes a pointer from the list. The function also deallocates memory at the location of the removed pointer if ptr_list->do_release_pointers=1 If the list is empty, memory for the list is released. The remaining pointers are copied to a lower location to close the gap.

ptr_listThe Pointer List.
indexIndex of the Pointer to be Removed.

◆ PtrList_deleteItem()

void PtrList_deleteItem ( SPtrList ptr_list,
int  index 

This function deletes a pointer in the list by just writing NULL into the pointer list. Be sure to call function PtrList_updateList() to eliminate the NULL spaces before proceeding with another function like checking the size with ptr_list->size. The function also deallocates memory at the location of the removed pointer if ptr_list->do_release_pointers=1.

Using with PtrList_getFirstPtr() may be wrong, if you have a loop over the pointer list entries and get the pointers via the getFirstPtr-routine, since this would give you the first pointer, which is still there, but NULL; you'd want to replace it by the function PtrList_getPtr().
ptr_listThe Pointer List.
indexIndex of the Pointer to be Deleted.

◆ PtrList_updateList()

void PtrList_updateList ( SPtrList ptr_list)

This function removes all the NULL spaces in the pointer list written by function PtrList_deleteItem(). If the list turns out to be empty afterwards, memory for the list is released.

ptr_listThe Pointer List to Be Packed.

◆ PtrList_clearList()

void PtrList_clearList ( SPtrList ptr_list)

Erases a complete pointer list, releases all memory and also the memory pointed to by pointers if requested if ptr_list-> do_release_pointers = 1.

ptr_listThe Pointer List to Be Removed.

◆ PtrList_copy()

void PtrList_copy ( SPtrList ptr_list_src,
SPtrList ptr_list_dst 

This function copies a pointer list to a previously empty pointer list.

ptr_list_srcSource Pointer List.
ptr_list_dstDestination Pointer List.

◆ PtrList_reverse()

void PtrList_reverse ( SPtrList ptr_list)

This function reverses the order of the pointer list i.e., the first pointer element will be the last, etc.

ptr_listPointer List to Be Reversed.

◆ PtrList_sort()

void PtrList_sort ( SPtrList ptr_list,
int  offset 

This function sorts a given SPtrList either by using the heap or shell sort algorithm depending on the entry count of the list: For lists having less than 100 entries, the shell sort algorithm will be used, heap sort otherwise. The parameter offset is used to specify one of the struct elements for the sorting procedure. The sorting is only possible for I32 values

The sorting is performed in ascending order if offset is positive and descending for negative values of offset. For an offset value of 0 the order is ascending; however the function PtrList_reverse can be used to reverse the order afterwards.

ptr_listThe Target.
offset*((I32*)ptr + abs(offset)) will be Compared.

◆ PtrList_shellsort()

void PtrList_shellsort ( SPtrList ptr_list,
int  offset 

This function sorts a given SPtrList by using the so-called shell sort algorithm. To be more specific, the implementation is based on Knuth's suggestions. Knuth choses Increments of values $ inc = (3^k - 1)/2, k \in N $.

The sorting is performed in ascending order. If descending order is required, use the PtrList_reverse() function afterwards.

ptr_listThe Target.
offset*((I32*)ptr + offset) will be compared.

◆ PtrList_heapsort()

void PtrList_heapsort ( SPtrList ptr_list,
I32  offset 

This function sorts a given SPtrList by using the heap sort algorithm. This version of heapsort runs in 1.5n*log(n) and is recommended for all lists with count > 100

The sorting is performed in ascending order. If descending order is required, use the PtrList_reverse() function afterwards.

ptr_listThe Target.
offset*((I32*)ptr + offset) will be Compared.

◆ PtrList_print()

void PtrList_print ( SPtrList pLst)

This function prints the pointers of a pointer list.

pLstThe Pointer List to be print out.

◆ PtrList_split()

I32 PtrList_split ( SPtrList pLstToSplit,
SPtrList pLstMinor,
SPtrList pLstMajor,
I32  i32MajorFirstIdx 

This function splits the pointer list pLstToSplit into the two pointer lists pLstMinor and pLstMajor depending on the index given.

On success the source pointer list pLstToSplit contains no elements anymore. Note that the do_release_pointers setting will be transferred to each of the split up candidates.

You are free to use the pLstToSplit pointer also as pLstMinor or pLstMajor.

pLstToSplitThe Pointer List to be split up (will be empty afterwards).
pLstMinorThe Pointer List with elements of index 0 - i32MajorFirstIdx (may be empty).
pLstMajorThe Pointer List with elements of index i32MajorFirstIdx - pLstToSplit->size-1 (may be empty).
i32MajorFirstIdxThe first Index found at the pLstMajor List.
Return values
ERR_BOUNDSif i32MajorFirstIdx < 0 or i32MajorFirstIdx > pLstToSplit->size.
ERR_NONEon Success.
PtrListPtr_move()return value.

◆ PtrListPtr_move()

I32 PtrListPtr_move ( SPtrList pLstFrom,
SPtrList pLstTo,
I32  i32Idx 

This function moves a pointer from a list to another by copying the pointer to the second list and writing NULL into the first list.

Be sure to call function PtrList_updateList() for the first list to eliminate the NULL spaces before proceeding with another function like checking the size with ptr_list->size.
pLstFromThe Pointer List to be moved from.
pLstToThe Pointer List to be moved to.
i32IdxThe Index of the Pointer to be Moved.
Return values
ERR_PARAMif i32Idx is out of Range or pLstFrom->size is 0.
ERR_INCONSif pLstFrom->do_release_pointers differs from pLstTo->do_release_pointers.
ERR_MEMORYif PtrList_addPtr() fails.
ERR_NONEon Success.

◆ PtrList_shuffle()

void PtrList_shuffle ( const SPtrList ptr_list,
I32  SwapCount 

This function shuffles the order of the pointers at a given list by swapping two pointers from the list subsequently. The SwapCount parameter instructs the routine how many pointer swaps to be done.

ptr_listThe Pointer List to be shuffled.
SwapCountCount of Swaps to be Done.