Revision: | 2.0.3 |
Date: | 2020-08-20 |
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Copyright: | 1996-2020 Vision Components GmbH Ettlingen, Germany |
Author: | VC Support, |
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Table of Contents
This document explains how to set up VC Lib Q for VC Z in a Windows Eclipse environment and how to program VC Z cameras using VC Lib Q powered by Halcon.
The following components are necessary:
Installed VC packages
If these libraries are not installed on your camera, please upload your camera using the script /root/ (internet connection necessary):
cd bash
If you are not sure about your library versions or cannot update your camera over the internet please send the output of the shell command vcver to
Download the VC Lib Q library package here:
Unzip the file in a temporary folder. The following files are included:
Upload the VC Lib Q Debian package libvclibq_13.0.4-1_armhf.deb to /tmp on your camera using an SFTP client (for example WinSCP). Then connect to the camera via SSH (for example with TeraTerm) and install it with:
cd /tmp dpkg -i libvclibq_13.0.4-1_armhf.deb
Upload the Debian package
Install the Debian package
The following will be installed:
The following environment variables are also set at startup on the VC Z camera:
Execute the setup file VC_Lib_Q_13.0.4_setup.exe in the same directory you installed your VC SDK (see the VCLinux Getting Started Documentation), for example C:\vc.
Install the package on Windows
The following will be installed on the development PC:
For VC Lib Q you need a runtime license for Vision Components VC Z cameras. For order numbers see chapter Available VC Lib Q packages. Rename the separately obtained license file to license.dat and place it in the subdirectory license of the HALCON folder on the VC Z camera (/opt/halcon/license).
MVTec's Halcon elements are subject to MVTec's EULA to be found at the standard documentation directory of the VC Lib Q Debian package on the camera under the name 'eula.txt'.
To order a runtime license the CID number of the camera is needed (instead of the serial number). This number can be obtained by executing the following command on the camera:
cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/cid
Example of CID number
Halcon display functions on VC Z need an installation of X11, which is used as a virtual display. On Windows a solution is to install Cygwin/X.
First install xauth on the VC Z with (internet connection needed):
apt-get install xauth
Instructions for the installation on Windows are available here:
After installing you can start the XWin server from the Windows menu. It then appears in the Task bar:
From there you can right-click the icon and start an xterm terminal:
Connect with:
ssh -Y root@
From the camera shell you can then start your programs which are using X11 forwarding.
After installing, some example Eclipse project are found under C:\vc\vclibq\examples\eclipse. These projects can be imported directly in Eclipse.
Project name | Description | Type |
vclibqProject | Template project. Contains the necessary settings for compiling with VC Lib Q but no source code. | - |
vclibqECC200FromFile | ECC 200 code reading, from image files. | HDevelop script export |
vclibqShapeMatching1stExample | Pattern matching, easy example. | HDevelop script export |
vclibqShapeMatching1stExampleMouseInput | Pattern matching with mouse input for the pattern teaching part. | HDevelop script export |
vclibqShapeMatchingTeach | Pattern matching: pattern teaching with mouse input and saving the pattern as a file. | HDevelop procedure export |
vclibqShapeMatchingSearchModelsvcimgCapt | Pattern matching: pattern (read from file created by vclibqShapeMatchingTeach) finding with image capture and image transfer for visualisation. | C code |
vclibqECC200vcimgCapt | ECC200 code reading with image capture and image transfer for visualisation. | C code |
vclibqECC200vcimgCaptROI | ECC200 code reading with image capture and image transfer for visualisation, with possibility to set a search ROI. | C code |
vclibqQRvcimgCapt | QR code reading with image capture and image transfer for visualisation. | C code |
vclibqBCvcimgCapt | Barcode reading with image capture and image transfer for visualisation. | C code |
Project import into Eclipse is described in the VCLinux Getting Started Manual, chapter 5.6.2: VCLinux Getting Started Documentation
Under C:\vc\vclibq\examples\hAcqVC-Z you can find examples of HDevelop scripts using the image acquisition interface for VC Z. More information can be found in the corresponding chapter By using the HDevEngine.
The provided example Eclipse projects already contain the right compiler settings for creating executables with VC Lib Q. These are the settings which have to be done additionnally to the standard settings seen in the Getting Started document:
Compiler settings
Linker settings
If you installed the VCLinux SDK in another folder than C:\vc
the include and library paths have to be modified accordingly!
There are several possibilities to create applications with VC Lib Q. The possibilities are the same as with HALCON. Please also read the HALCON documentation about programming.
The first possibility is to export a whole HDevelop script. For a better overview you can add your HDevelop script to your Eclipse project, just by copying this script per drag&drop into your Eclipse project. This is already done in the project vclibqECC200FromFile, which we will take here as an example.
Double-click on your script (in our example to open it in HDevelop:
You can now modify the script as desired. When finished go to Menu File -> Export... In the dialog browse to your project folder (C:\vc_eclipse\YOUR_ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE\vclibqECC200FromFile\datacode.c). Choose to export the whole program, click on Export and confirm to overwrite.
Go back to Eclipse. Right-click on your project and choose "Refresh". The exported C-code appears, or is refreshed if already existing.
You can now compile the project. Please note the the references to X11 have to be commented first:
Comment the X11 include
Comment the call to XInitThreads
You can also try compiling and executing the following example projects:
X11 is necessary for displaying results when using the Halcon window functions (see chapter Installing Cygwin/X for display).
To export a procedure, proceed the same way as before, but choose "Current Procedure" instead of "Program". To demonstrate this we take the example project vclibqShapeMatchingTeach. Double-click on the script vc_shape_matching_teach.hdvp (the script shape_matching_teach.hdev is present to be able to call and test the procedure within HDevelop):
Modify the procedure as needed and export it when finished:
You can now compile the project.
The following example projects show example of programming VC Lib Q directly in C:
For programmers used to HALCON/C or HALCON/C++ this will be familiar. The important point is the conversion from a VC image variable to a Halcon image variable after image capture. This is done using the function gen_image1_extern().
Image capture with vc_capt(), image conversion with gen_image1_extern() and use of a Halcon function using the newly created image variable
It is also possible to use the Halcon HDevEngine on the VC Z platform. For this download your HDevelop script directly on the camera and run the script with the provided tool hrun (located in /usr/bin, it can be called as a command directly from the shell). For more information please read the documentation of the image acquisition interface for VC Z.
Direct execution of HDevelop scripts including image acquisition
It is possible to start a VC Lib Q program automatically at camera startup, like any other program. This is described in the Appendix D of our Getting Started manual:
VCLinux Getting Started Documentation
However in the case of a VC Lib Q program it necessary to set the Halcon environment variables directly in the file, otherwise the program will not start correctly. It is advised to use this template:
Several packages of the VC Lib Q are available for order.
Order Number | Product / Service description |
VK002880 | VC Lib Q (Full HALCON functionality) |
VK002017 | VC Lib Q Code Reading pack |
VK002877 | VC Lib Q OCR Pack |
VK002878 | VC Lib Q Code + OCR pack |
VK002879 | VC Lib Q Pattern Matching pack |